Give your customers the exchange options they want so you can put that money back into your business. Return Rabbit’s exchange tools make refunds a thing of the past.
Return Rabbit’s fully automated platform saves time for your customer support team and accelerates the exchange process so your customers get the right items, faster. Less support tickets, happier customers, and more revenue in your pocket—what more could you ask for?
Exchange Incentives That Boost Revenue
Return Rabbit’s exchange portal supports exchanges in all forms:
Full Catalog Exchanges
Exchange items across your entire inventory and encourage shoppers to add more to their cart.
Instant Exchanges
Exchanges…instantly. Now, your customers don’t have to wait for the return process to complete an exchange.
Exchange Bonus Credit
Offer your customers a discount up to a percentage of your choosing to incentivize a return.
Custom Exchange Capabilities
The exchange options are endless. Waive shipping fees, exchange balance, and order processing fees.
Shopper Groups
Target a custom group of shoppers with unique incentives like free shipping on their exchange.
Discount Carry Forward
Automatically transfer the original discount to your exchange order.
A win-win solution
Exchanges First, Returns Last
Promote exchanges at every opportunity throughout the returns process and build your business with Return Rabbit.